HPAC Community Partnership Grants
Community partnership grants are another source of funding HPAC provides to the arts community. Grants may be awarded for activities that are available to the community. Eligible activities may include:
Materials or supplies
Commissioned art, music, dance or other arts projects
Performances, installations, or exhibits that are open to the public
Programs or projects that are open to the public
Group activities
Other requested opportunities at the discretion of HPAC
The HPAC Program and Planning committee may consider partnership funding requests on an individual basis for other purposes, not previously defined, that further the mission of fostering arts in our communities. We must receive your request at least one month prior to the date when you need the money. HPAC reserves the right to refuse any request. You will be notified if your request is accepted.
To apply for a grant, please fill out the Request for HPAC COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP GRANTS FORM below. Mail completed form HPAAC, PO Box 370, Hastings MN 55033 or email to Kathy O’Keefe, President of HPAAC, at hastingsprescottarts@gmail.com
Arts Heroes John & Carolyn with Kathy O'Keefe, HPAC president at the SOD House performance
Founder and former president, Dick Graham with local artist Andy Evansen and Laure Evansen
Arts Heroes John & Carolyn with Kathy O'Keefe, HPAC president at the SOD House performance